1. Name of the Club :
The name of the club is to be - HK HT HG Holden Owners Club of Queensland Inc.
2. Objective :
To bring together owners and their families of HK, HT and HG model Holdens. To share technical information, parts for sale/wanted and provide monthly social outings to enjoy the safe and legal use of these cars.
3. Officers :
The positions of President; Vice President; Secretary and Treasurer will form the Executive Committee entrusted with the successful running of the club for the members. These positions will be elected and constitute a committee. Additional office bearers will be nominated to assist the Executive Committee in all aspects of club duties if desired.
4. Duties of Officers :
President - Shall preside over all meetings, appoint special committees as required by the club and give guidance and leadership at all times.
Vice President - Shall perform the duties of the President in their absence.
Secretary - Shall keep the minutes of meetings; membership records; give notice of all meetings and handle all correspondence in and out. Keep and maintain records and equipment of the club.
Treasurer - Shall collect money due to the club; keep the club books; make payments as required; counter sign cheques. Keep account of all club money matters and complete regular financial reports of the club.
5. Memberships :
To be eligible for membership you must be a current owner of a HK, HT or HG Holden. Memberships shall be $70 per member or family for the first year of membership then $30 per annum each renewal thereafter. All memberships shall be due and payable on or before the first day of October each year. Family membership shall comprise of one voting member; a spouse/partner and children up to eighteen (18) years of age. Spouse/partner and children will be considered as non-voting associate members. First year new membership costs include one club polo shirt. Each membership will cover up to 2 cars. Any member who who has not paid his/her renewal fees by November 30 each year will have their membership suspended until full payment is made. Membership is at the absolute discretion of the committee and may be denied or revoked at any time.
6. Elections :
All nominees for office shall be current active members. All elected office bearers must remain active during their term of office. Nominations shall be made from the floor and all voting shall be done by show of hands. Elections shall be decided by majority votes of current active members.
7. Quorum :
At an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Special Meeting a quorum shall be five (5) members present and at a committee meeting four (4) members present.
8. Annual General Meeting (AGM) :
The general meeting held in September shall be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. The annual reports and balance sheets will be presented at this meeting.
9. Notice Of Meeting :
Notice of meeting or intention to convene a meeting will be given by the secretary to all members. General meetings will be held four (4) times a year being in the months of September; December; March and June. The general meetings are to be conducted at the conclusion of the club outing for that month at a suitable location to conduct a general meeting.
10. S.I.V Registrations :
Will only be available to club members who have been active members for a period of three (3) calendar months. The nominated vehicle must be presented to the clubs nominated S.I.V Registration Officers for inspection prior to any necessary paperwork being completed. A $10 Dating Certificate fee will apply upon inspection of the vehicle. All S.I.V Registration members are to remain active members thereafter to maintain their S.I.V Registration status.
11. Dissolution :
The club shall dissolve in the event of the membership being less than five (5) persons or upon the vote of the majority of the members present at the Special Meeting convened to consider such a question. Upon dissolution assets and funds on hand may after payment of all expenses and liabilities be handed over to a registered charity.
12. Model Rules :
Club members are to refer to the Club Model Rules for Incorporated Associations for further details on the functions of the club.